ConnectTEC | TEC


When you boil down TEC’s products and services to their most precious element, it is the ability to CONNECT. Linking team members one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many is something that all businesses must do across their enterprises every day. Without the ability to CONNECT, communication and information transfer would halt — and so would orders. TEC understands how crucial these connections are and so offers a wide spectrum of products and services to fit your exact needs within your budget.

Our CONNECT services are:

  • Unified Communications: Connects people, information and groups with integrated IP communication applications.

  • VoIP Call Centers: Cisco’s solutions, including Unified Contact Center Express and Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Premium.

  • Network Infrastructure

  • Cloud Computing: Releases you from ongoing and increasing IT hassles through remote-server hosting and access, freeing you and your team to focus on core competencies.

  • Data Centers: TEC partners with top-level providers of data-center solutions to deliver the strongest, most comprehensive solution for your organization’s unique needs.

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