Millennials | TEC


What is the Annual Growth Security Attacks?

76%. And data storage doubles every 18 months. Part of the reason for the increase is the advancement of millennials in the workplace. They require four times as much data storage as previous generations. But with the increase in electronically stored data comes a higher risk of a data security breach. There are some great benefits to electronic storage—the capacity is limitless and access is instantaneous. On the downside, virtual data storage makes companies much more vulnerable to attack. Where is your data security plan on the Technology Timeline? You have to account for the changes that are coming over the next few years.

Once you’ve assessed your current location on the Technology Timeline, let TEC help you decide how to make your data security plan ready for the future. We can help you plan for today and invest for tomorrow to get the most out of the future of technology.

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In 2020, the internet is estimated to run at 1 trillion bits per second.

And that’s a good thing because in 2025 there will be 4.75 Billion internet users. Here’s the catch: 75% of them will access the internet via wireless portals. This is up from 55% in 2009 and who knows where the numbers will grow from there. And considering that 75% of the workforce will be comprised of millennials, you will need to be ready to meet their technologically advanced needs to earn their respect and a true partnership.Millennials expect to have a flexible work environment but also receive constant and instant feedback, and be able to work as a team no matter where they are.

So take a look at your current location on the Technology Timeline and let the experts at TEC help you figure out what you need to do today to make your business ready for the future!

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Do You Know How Millennials Work?

Because by the year 2025, 75% of the workforce will be made up of the Millennial Generation. And there is a big difference in the way millennials work. For example, in 1986 when video conferencing was first introduced it cost $1,000.00 per hour. Today, employees and customers can access video conferencing on tablets and smartphones from anywhere for free. Companies are saving time and travel expense without losing any employee engagement. And these millennials will be working from anywhere but team work is extremely important to this generation which means finding a way to keep them connected even when your employees aren’t there.

Are you ready to meet the technology needs that will help your millennial employees make the most of their unique strengths and abilities? Are you ready to meet the needs and preferences of your millennial customers?

Click here to determine where your company is on the Technology Timeline. TEC can help you get on the right track to make your business ready for the future of technology!

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